Day 2: “I hurt!”
The only starting plan for the day was to get on the Snow Shuttle - just 13€ for a return trip to a random ski resort (depending on the day of the week) and see what happened.  By the time we got to Rohrmoos, our resort for the day, we had booked ourselves a 2 hour snowboarding lesson.  Pete was dying to get out there.  Cat was a bit less sure this was a good idea.  They both turned out to be right, as Cat spent more time sitting on the ground than she did actually snowboarding (at least until she learned to get herself up off the ground whilst attached to snowboard); Pete on the other hand turned out to be pretty good for someone that had never been on a mountain before (till yesterday, anyway), let alone a snowboard!  The funky instructor guy showed us what to do and sent us down the hill. And again. And again.  He pulled us up till we could manage it, and showed us how to slide both ways (front-side and back-side) and to turn between the two (Cat had about 2 goes at that and decided forwards was the way to go).  2 hours later, and several bruises, we had some lunch and then went for a couple of last runs.   Sadly, Cat managed to put the real finishing touches to her bruises, while Pete showed his prowess quite nicely.  Skiiing next time, perhaps?
Thursday, 8 February 2007